Who makes decisions, and with what authority?

A glossary of terms

National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
The independent agency that manages the implementation of the Federal Government’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The scheme providing individualised funding for supports to Australians with significant and permanent disability.

NDIS Act 2013
The legislation that frames the Scheme and defines its scope, including who can access it and which supports it will fund.

NDIS Rules
The NDIS rules are legislation linked to the NDIS Act 2013. They provide more detail in how to interpret the act and govern how it is implemented.

NDIS Operational Guidelines
The NDIS operational guidelines are based on the NDIS Act and NDIS Rules. They explain how the NDIS makes decisions and implements the rules in clearer language for NDIS participants, and for people working in the NDIS.

Delegate / Planner
The NDIS Act 2013 makes the CEO responsible for decisions such as who can access the Scheme and whether to approve plan variations or reassessments. Delegates, or planners, are people who have delegated authority from the CEO, and can therefore also make these decisions.

Local Area Coordinator (LAC)
Local Area Coordinators are partners in the community who support the implementation of the NDIS. You may have your plan assessment or reassessment with an LAC, who will then provide recommendations to someone with appropriate authority to approve plans. LACs themselves cannot make decisions.


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